Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our Introduction to God

Where it starts.
I think its so amazing that Genesis Chapter one, starts out with God letting us know that before anything was He was. "In the beginning God." Before light was, before the stars, and planets---before anything was, He was! The next amazing thing He lets us know, as He introduces Himself is how He created everything. He did it all with His Word-- by speaking! God speaks! What an introduction! From the first pages of the Bible, God says to us---Everything you see, touch and feel, and all that you can't was created by me as I spoke my Word! Look around you, the sun, the stars, plants, and animals are all there because I spoke them into existence. So here we are thousands of years later, and all creation still stands. The sun rises in the morning, the birds fly in the sky, the trees produce fruit, daytime and night time, spring time and harvest continue as God spoke it long ago. Could it be that in God's introduction of Himself, He is saying ever so clearly. Hello, I am God, I speak and what I say is trustworthy. You can trust my Word, what I say I do, If you have a doubt-- look around you! I keep my Word forever! My Word sustains everything! Everything owes its existence to me! The sun will rise tomorrow, because I said it so! Now that I have your attention, listen to what else I will teach and tell you, and what I tell you--- you may believe with certainty.

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