Friday, August 6, 2010

Enjoying the garden of Eden

A friend sent this comment.

Adam & Eve had the perfect marriage. He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married and she didn't have to hear about how well his mother cooked!

Oh the joys of being in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve the perfect marriage. Enjoying fellowship with God, and each other. Such a perfect place. Maybe they somehow even communicated with the animals, they didn't seem surprised that a serpent was talking. They had thousands of fruit trees all around them to enjoy the fruit from. Imagine all of the varieties of fruit drinks one could make. Something within us cries out for that perfect life, the way it was, the way it is supposed to be. We all long for that utopia in the depths of our heart.

But why? Why would they eat of that one tree they were told not to eat from? My son says they should have stayed at least 10 feet away from it at all times, good advice for all of us. In my imagination, I sometimes visit the Garden of Eden. I would certainly have placed that tree in one far away corner of the garden, that way we could all be careful just to avoid it and enjoy all of the other areas. The garden was hundreds if not thousands of miles wide. If it was locked far away, maybe we could have stayed out of trouble; However, the Bible tells us that God placed it in the midst or middle of the garden. (Some versions say center.) Could it be that God was showing us from the earliest of times that at the center of all blessings, at the center of healthy relationships, rich abundance, and fellowship with God is one thing---- Obedience to his will?